Saturday, August 31, 2019

Ethics of Climate Change in Australia

The United Nations Declaration of Human Rights states that everyone has the right to life and a standard of living adequate for the health and well being of an individual and their family (United Nations, 1948). Global average temperatures are projected to increase between 1. 4 and 5. 8 Â °C by the end of this century (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, 2001), and this, in conjunction with the increasing sea level, which, in itself, causes the number of individuals living in coastal areas to be exposed to increasing flooding and storm surges, affects human health.These affects are mostly brought on by climate change, which, ironically, is being heavily influenced by humans themselves. They can cause illness and fatalities from intense heat, a depleting food supply and also the alterations of infectious diseases. A well-established climate change effect on human health is the influence the climate has on shortages in regional areas. According to the World Health Organisation, it is estimated that about 800 million people are presently malnourished, with almost half of them residing in Africa (WHO, 2002). Malnutrition remains one of the major health crises worldwide.Food crops are heavily and directly influenced by extreme climate conditions such as droughts, and this then severely impacts the levels of food available for consumption, especially in the remote areas in Africa. This then links back to the issue of undernourishment in Africa, as food is a depleting source in the current climate experienced in this continent. Another human health impact that is supported by climate change is heatwaves. The summer of 2009 was possibly Australia’s hottest heatwave, in which many cities recorded their highest temperature since records began.On Saturday the 7th of January, Melbourne recorded its highest temperature of 46. 4Â °C (Cameron, et al, 2009). It was as a result of this heatwave that bushfires broke out all over the state of Victoria, the dry win ds and hot air no match for efforts to reduce the fires. These fires ranked in the top ten of bushfires in the world with respect to fatalities (Cameron, et al, 2009). Fatalities in heatwaves can be challenging to measure, as the fatalities generally arise from the worsening of chronic medical conditions as well as direct heat related illness.These conditions and illnesses are particularly seen in the elderly and frail people. However it is estimated that 374 people were killed in this heatwave (The Victorian Government Department of Human Services, 2009). This is the most prominent recent example of human health as a direct outcome of climate change in Australia. Fatalities and general illnesses caused by heat are directly affected by the variance between the average temperature and high above average temperatures, as opposed to regular and steady escalations in the usual temperature.This is particularly seen in the beginning of summer when people have not yet adjusted to the highe r temperatures. Furthermore, due to the Urban Heat Island Effect, the strongest effect of urbanisation on annual mean surface air temperature trends occurs over the metropolis and large city stations, with corresponding contributions of about 44% and 35% to total warming, respectively (Yang, et al, 2011). As a result of this, and as metropolis regions and population grow; exposure to fatalities and illnesses caused by heat look expected to rise in the future.Vector-borne diseases are influenced by environmental aspects such as temperature, rainfall, humidity and land-use or vegetation, thus affecting the population and spread of the diseases. Vector-borne disease spread and population alter as the ecosystem around them does, as a result of climate change. An example of this would be that around the equatorial regions of the world, diseases like malaria have been restricted to living in those regions. However, as the global mean temperature increases, those regions may expand in area and the malaria disease would be able to spread over a much larger span.This spread could also be caused by the constant migration of the human population and their affect on the land they use. The alterations caused by climate change on infectious diseases significantly affect human health. It is majorly severe climatic events that alter the biology of infectious diseases. Because they do not have thermostatic systems, infectious organisms such as protozoa and viruses, and their supplementary vectors, for example mosquitoes and aphids, are affected by variations in temperature, mostly in their survival and reproduction levels. As the temperature increases due to global warming, these organisms have the pportunity to flourish in their environments, and, in under-developed areas such as Africa, this could lead to serious impacts on human health. Also, a connection has been found between the rising occurrences of malaria with simultaneous increasing temperatures from 1968 to 1993 in central Ethiopia (Tulu, 1996). Though populace relocation, resistance to drugs, or efforts to control vectors couldn’t explain this link. As we cannot ignore the evidence, this therefore leads us to believe that the associated increasing temperatures, due to climate change, have caused the increase in malaria in central Ethiopia.However, despite this, irregularities of highest temperature in the highlands of Kenya have been related to the spread of malaria. However, numerous studies of tendencies in climate and malaria populations in Africa have not discovered a connection to increasing temperatures. This then highlights the significance of incorporating other key causes of the chance of malaria such as disease control efforts, human relocation, a resistance to drugs and also a change in how the land is used.From this we can see that there are many factors caused by climate change that affect human health. Though the Universal Declaration of Human Rights states that each indi vidual has a right to health and life, it is humans who are ironically causing climate change in the first place. Whether it is the intense heat in heatwaves or the rising spread of vector-borne diseases, in a developed or developing country, humans are increasingly becoming exposed to possibly fatal incidents.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Building a New Supply Chain

The background of the case is that a company performs garbage pickup from construction sites. Often the construction site wants them to leave a bin there or sometimes they simply pile up the garbage and the company's employees load the material into the garbage truck. Typically a truck full of garbage at the depot costs $200 per truck to empty. The company charges $350 per load, so there is little profit especially when taking overhead into account (labor and the cost of the truck).The owner wonders how other companies seem to be making so much money. One day he owner finds a lot of old refrigerators and metal fencing at one of the pickup locations. He has heard that there are some companies that pick this up for free and resell the material to companies looking for scrap metal. Being entrepreneurial and worried about his business, he investigates. He finds that he is able to make an additional $200 per shipment of scrap metal, making his new profit $550 per load!He gets excited and starts to think about what other opportunities may be out there with similar reverse supply chains. Some additional problems that this company have are elated to what its profit really is for each of its transactions, what challenges this company would have to look at alternative materials and markets and what the current competition is for his company's type of business and lastly what approaches this company should take to ensure it was successful.Cause – The main cause behind many of these questions the company is asking itself and problems that it is currently having with profitability lay in the appearance that the company has not built itself a good business plan for any step of the company. A business plan helps outline what you need to start a business, but it also helps you prepare for your future and any issues along the way. Your business plan should clarify why you exist, who your customers are, what products or services you provide, how you plan to create and del iver your products or services, and where your business is going.It looks like the owner has started the company with only a small idea of what is possible within their industry scope and has not thought through all the steps that they should take on in order to be a marketable, profitable and long lasting company. Little thought has gone into who the customers are, what equipment is required, what process would be the most profitable and how to market themselves to the correct customer base. The whole business is based on a reverse logistics model and inserting themselves into this construction supply chain as the provider of reverse logistics systems to their construction customers.It is astounding to see that the owner has not fully considered how to best provide benefit to their clients and maximize their profitability through these services. To hear that the owner has heard that some companies† pick up materials for free and resell them clearly shows that the company has not identified the biggest opportunity for profitability in this type of business. Stating that their new profit could also be $550 per load is also strange in that there appears to be very little understanding of accounting related to determining profitability and cost of overheads.Based on the example provided, any revenues would have expenses of the cost of the truck (including initial purchase, fuel and any maintenance), the cost of the person driving the truck, the cost of the arson piling the garbage into the truck (if this service is required) and the cost paid at the depot for disposal. There can be further costs related to equipment or training required for their people to be on a construction site including Personnel Protective Equipment and any certifications required to handle waste.Many of these elements would be considered if the company took the time to consider what the actual business plan for the company is and whether this would lead to a profitable organization. Analysis – When looking at the market space that this company is attempting to play in, the following information shows that there indeed is a market for these services. Within the industry there is a name for the materials that are left over at a construction, renovation of demolition site. These items are called construction & demolition materials (C&D).The most common materials are concrete, wood, drywall, asphalt shingles, asphalt pavement, metal and cardboard. These materials typically make up 70 to 95 percent of the discarded material at a residential or commercial site. In the past these items were often discarded but are actually liable commodities that can be recycled into new products or used in many new ways. When perceived as waste, disposal of C&D materials is often viewed as simply part of the cost of doing business, and recycling and reusing these materials are sometimes overlooked as management options.Recycling can benefit a construction business's bottom lin e, it benefits the environment and a construction company's recycle policy can be a contributing factor to them being awarded a project. Concrete can be recycled into many markets that currently use crushed stone. Because concrete is commonly recycled, numerous concrete recycling facilities exist across the country. Asphalt pavement is heavily recycled currently and is commonly crushed and recycled back into asphalt, either in-place or at a hot-mix asphalt plant.Asphalt shingles can also be ground and recycled into hot-mix asphalt. Clean, untreated wood can be re-milled into lumber or chipped or ground and used to make engineered board, boiler fuel and mulch. Common metals found at a construction, demolition or renovation site include steel, aluminum, and copper. Construction sites frequently generate large amounts of cardboard waste when new appliances and materials are delivered to the site in cardboard boxes. Markets are well-established for metals and cardboard.Local metal scrap yards or recyclers that accept these materials are likely easily accessible. Gypsum in drywall can be removed and recycled into many markets that commonly use gypsum, including new drywall manufacture, cement manufacture and agriculture. All of these items should be materials the owner should investigate as to whether the local construction sites are enervating these materials and whether there are local resources available to buy and recycle these materials from construction companies or the pickup company.Another factor to review is whether recyclers accept mixed loads of materials, or if it is more profitable to separate the materials, which can be done onsite by placing the materials in separate boxes or piles. When developing a business plan, an important first step is to look for the local resources currently available. Contact local and provincial waste regulators and learn what is and is not permissible to recycle. Many rabbinical or local officials have lists of local recy clers and their locations that they can share with you.These local recyclers should be contacted to determine what they take and what these conditions of payment are. They may also be able to share guidance for best recycling practices in your area. It is also possible to research local waste haulers through this method to better determine the level of competition there is for the types of garbage pickup services that they provide. One key factor within the market space for recycling materials is the importance of these recycling orgasm to today's construction environment.There is increased interest in constructing green buildings and this has generated more interest in recycling C materials. Providing knowledge of how to recycle C materials can make a company a vital asset to a green building project. The most common method of green building certification in North America is through the Green Building Council. The Council's Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LED) certif ication process requires that the building attain points for various green attributes, including energy savings, trials usage, indoor environmental quality and efficient water usage.Certification is granted during the construction phase. Points are given for reusing materials, using materials with recycled content and recycling the waste that is produced at the construction site. Different levels of certification can be attained depending on the number of points the building gains. Even if LED certification is not the goal of the building owner, committing to recycling a certain percentage of the materials generated at a Jobless can be a great marketing tool and can give a construction company an edge over its competition.Since green building certification grants points based on recycled amounts, implementing a tracking system will aid companies in attaining LED points for recycling. Some contractors have their waste haulers report the amount of material that is currently disposed a nd recycled from their construction sites. That way, contractors can evaluate how they can increase the amount of material that is recycled from each site.Another example of how a company can differentiate themselves in this space is by providing services that eliminate the need for transporting and disposing of materials by recycling onsite. For example, waste concrete can be ground and used as fill, and clean wood, drywall, and cardboard can be ground and used onsite as a soil amendment. New, smaller, portable grinders can be relatively inexpensive and safe to use at Jobless. Some of these machines can be hitched to pickup trucks, while others are attachments for excavators.Some challenges when looking at all of these options are related to having the appropriate equipment for providing the potential services demanded by the customer base. There can be significant overhead costs attached to these equipment purchases. Availability and cost of labor will also be a key factor in deci sions. If the appropriate research is not done up front, including discussions with the potential customer base, investments can be made in equipment and people that does not drive the revenue to cover the costs.Before Jumping into a specific market area or activity, the owner must ensure that the demand is there. Solution – The owner of this garbage pickup company needs to wake up and do his research with a goal to developing a complete business plan. Currently the owner is thinking of only kicking up garbage from construction sites and disposing them, which does indeed save the construction company these reverse logistics efforts, but clearly misses out on the big picture of what is possible in this service space.The customer base which is construction companies, are being driven very heavily toward recycling their materials for various reasons. They can reduce their hauling and disposal costs by keeping valuable C&D materials out of landfills. The substitution of recycled C&D materials in place of virgin materials in new products and processes results in substantial energy savings and greenhouse gas reduction. Recycling C&D materials equates to green building points.As green building becomes increasingly popular, proven knowledge about the benefits of green building-?and green building practices-?is likely to boost construction business, since many customers are now looking for this service. Using recycled materials in new structures and recycling C&D materials produced during construction can help you achieve the LED certification that construction company customers want. All of this leads to a very strong potential market for the services that a garbage pickup company can provide.The company can offer sorting of the products on the site, the company could offer onsite recycling, the company can ensure that they track the materials so that their customers can obtain the maximum lead points and market themselves as a green construction company. The p ickup company can also very finely determine what their charge should be to the construction company based on their knowledge of what the recycling company will pay for materials. This can allow them to maximize profit while remaining at an appropriate marketable cost to the construction companies.They could provide flexible, scalable services at the appropriate cost. The owner needs to talk to the customer base and find the niches that will allow them to compete. Work through the business plan, identify what they can afford to invest in, develop the relationships with customers and clients, market themselves appropriately and then work the plan. There is little question that reverse logistics is a growing concern in the construction industry when it comes to C&D materials. The market is there for garbage pickup companies who can show the greatest value.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Should Prisoners be Treated as Humans

Some people believe that once a person commits a crime or breaks the law, they no longer get to exercise their human rights. In fact, they believe that prisoners do not deserve human rights. The treatment of these inmates come into question; especially when most facilities and prisons are overcrowded, receiving more mentally ill prisoners, and female incarceration is on the rise. The problem with some of society is they do not want prisoners to be treated with any common, human decency. They believe inmates have it great by eating healthy and receiving adequate medical care.Being able to work out and learn new trades for the future has some of society’s members upset with paying tax monies for these types of â€Å"amenities†. I believe that every human has the right to meals and preventive health care. People should not have to fear for their safety or health because they have committed a crime. I do not feel they should receive good treatment: punishment should be adeq uate for the crime committed, but the prisoner should not be in threat of starvation, abusive treatment from other inmates or staff, or fear of medical neglect.Prisoners are in fact human beings and of course punishment was much worse in ancient times. There would be severe physical punishment, and living conditions while incarcerated were much worse than conditions today. Let’s explore some of the treatment of prisoners and the and how they are sometimes affected by this treatment. I believe treating prisoners as you would any other person: with the most basic human rights. This is an ethical dilemma we as society are faced with. The world and the incidents that occur in it are very unpredictable.There are plenty of people who never expected or thought they would ever become incarcerated. I, personally, was incarcerated from age seventeen to age thirty-three. I have experienced quite a bit of unethical treatment, as well as been a witness to this treatment. There is no self- defense law here in California. I was attacked by a girl with a gun. We fought over this gun and she was shot once in the neck. During the time of the scuffle, she was wanted for an outstanding warrant for the murder of a pregnant woman. I was convicted for attempted murder and sentenced to fourteen years of incarceration as an eighteen year old.My incarceration was to take place in a California State Prison for Women. Upon my reception to state prison, I have been victim to and witnessed unethical behavior towards the prisoners. With prison overcrowding and an influx off inmates who are mentally ill. There are also the drug offenders. The drug offenders make up a large group of prisoners. There are a variety of ethnicities, backgrounds, and classes of individuals incarcerated. Prison overcrowding contributes to a lot of the unethical treatment of prison inmates. When the prisons are overcrowded, inmates are not segregated amongst other inmates of their same security levels or risks .Sometimes these conditions make it easy for crimes to be committed within the facility or institution. Many high risk inmates will make victims out of the less violent, vulnerable inmates. The prisoners can become victims of rape, theft, assault, and sometimes murder. Some prisoners have been known to commit suicide because the conditions in prison are too difficult to deal with. To report any crime committee against you while a prisoner, can lead to retaliation from the prison population; terrorizing one with fear.There is what is called â€Å"moral† intuition. According to Mosser (2010),  intuition is described as unexplainable feelings a person may have about something being â€Å"right† or â€Å"wrong†. My intuition tells me it is wrong to treat anyone with inhumane behavior. It is not correct to put an individual in harm way just because they have made a mistake to society. Yes, they should definitely pay the price for whatever crime is committed. Mental ly ill persons have also contributed to the prison population. Several inmates really just need to be placed somewhere that can provide the mental help needed to help rehabilitate them. With so few doctors and staff for the mentally ill, it seems rehabilitation is just an illusion.With mentally ill patients integrated into a prison population, there are bound to be conflicts, as well as abuse. Abuse occurs among the inmates as I have mentioned earlier. Although, half of California’s mental hospitals were closed by the late 1960s, Governor Reagan, during the late 1970s shut down the mental hospitals completely (Torrey, E. F. , M. D. , Kennard, A. D. , Eslinger, D. , Lamb, R. , M. D. , Pavle, J. , 2010). With overcrowding, and barely enough of a budget to care for the health of the inmates, how can a prisoner’s mental hygiene be taken care of?Most of these prisoners are forced to be confined in solitary confinement. Metzner (2010) states, â€Å"The adverse effects of so litary confinement are especially significant for persons with serious mental illness, commonly defined as mental disorder (e. g. , schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, major depressive disorder) that is usually characterized by psychotic symptoms and/or significant functional impairments (para. 4). Solitary confinement can do more harm than good. Inmates may possibly leave prison in a worse state than when they entered prison.People worry   about tax dollars going to prisoner’s food and shelter, but if a prisoner can be â€Å"corrected† by the department of corrections, that will lower the recidivism rate and less prisoners will return to prison. Earlier, I mentioned drug offenders making up a great deal of the prison population. Some people’s addiction does not stop because they are incarcerated. Male officers outnumber female officers by two to one. Male officers make up at least two-thirds of the officers and guards. There are times I have witnessed my cellmat e receiving drugs forsexual favors for the officer. The officer will come at a time when there are no there are no other people around and request these sexual favors. Some guards would even make a girl have sex with them. They would threaten to change the inmate’s release date, or cause the inmate to be placed in a position to be caused physical harm by other inmates. These unethical treatments should not be overlooked. Many women are victims of abuse and domestic violence. They have attempted to leave a situation with an abusive partner, and this leads to the homicide if the partner.Donna Hazley (2010) states, â€Å"The same legal system that fails or refuses to protect battered women prosecutes them vigorously when they fight back (para. 11). There are also women incarcerated with hopes of returning to society as a rehabilitated individual, and return to caring for their families. Not all people that are incarcerated always lose custodial rights of their children. They ho pe to return to care for these children. These children deserve a chance, if it is possible to rehabilitate their parents. Not everyone serving a prison sentence is an outcast, monster, or society’s reject.These are human people with human feelings, and emotions. Again, I say no one should be subjected   to these treatments because they have committed a crime. No one can truly know the remorse a person feels for the things they have done wrong, and therefore, should not impose upon them abuse. In approaching this issue of the unethical treatment of prisoners, I believe the classical theory of deontology could resolve this issue. Deontology is described as looking at the reason the act was committed instead of the consequences of an act (Mosser, 2010).It is a deontologist’s position that we treat everyone with respect, and consider each human being’s dignity when dealing with them. If it is considered why a woman has committed a violent crime against her spouse , then maybe she can be treated with ethical treatment, instead of what one feels is much deserved abuse because she is a prisoner. According to an article by the Human’s Rights Watch, A video tape at a California state facility showed two officers severely beating and kicking two inmates (2004). Deontologists theorize that no one should be beaten and kicked for no reason. It is unethical to treat a person with such excessive force.Virtue ethics is also an approach that can be taken to resolve the issue I have presented of unethical behavior of prisoners. Virtue ethics focuses more on the character of the person performing the act (Mosser, 2010). If we paid attention to the individual that performed the crime, we may better understand a way to effectively deal with the person without imposing any abuse upon the individual. Utilitarian’s ethical approach is basing a decision on the best outcome for the greater number (Mosser, 2010). It is likely to be beneficial to soci ety to treat prisoners with common human rights, and not subject them to inhumane behavior.If people can rehabilitate, instead of   become at risk for mental issues, high recidivism, and absence from the family, society will benefit as a whole. There will not be the need to spend so many tax dollars on prisons because so many prisons will not be needed. Families will be united and given the tools necessary to prosper and benefit, having a positive effect on children being raised with their parents. The problem with the deontologist’s theory is that a relativist will say that it is not their problem to concern themselves with how prisoners are being treated.Relativism is the values regarded by an individual based on their own ethical standards; usually based on their background and culture (Mosser, 2010). One will argue that it is what prisoners deserve because that is just what they believe. It may be acceptable in someone’s society to mistreat prisoners and the mist reatment not be considered unethical. Emotivism suggests that moral claims express an emotional response or attitude (Mosser, 2010). Mostly, people feel as if prisoners deserve unfair treatment. In fact, people feel as if they don’t deserve to be treated as human beings at all.Emotivism can reduce our moral judgment to something so simple like an emotional response; we may be robbing someone of a fair ethical decision. In my opinion, this can cause harm to the greater number of individuals effected by the decision, thus, presenting a challenge to the issue of utilitarianism. In this case the moral issue will not be examined because it is being responded to in an emotional way. Virtue ethics, I remind you, focuses on the virtues of the person performing the act. It is not an easy thing to do, trying to determine why a person made a certain choice.This person or group of individuals could have made this choice for a number of reasons. Sometimes, it is much more apparent why a p erson or group has done something. Other times, it is not.   Ethical egoism can be the challenge to virtue ethics. Ethical egoism argues that our moral decisions should be based on our desires and goals (Mosser, 2010). Our personal goals and desires are what motivate us make many of the decisions we make in our lives. If an outcome does not appeal to our goals and desires, we tend to find a way to dispute that.Finding a person’s virtue may conflict with our personal goals and desires. A person may have been robbed once before, and now has a biased toward anyone that has committed a crime, regardless of their motivation to commit the offense. If the victim’s personal desire is to see any person who commits theft to â€Å"rot† in prison, they will not consider the virtue ethics of a prisoner, therefore, the unethical treatment of prisoners seeming completely ethical to the ethical egoist. Having served so much time in prison, deontology is the closest view to my own.I believe that every action has a consequence and people need to suffer a consequence when they have broken the law. Respecting this theory, I still believe that everyone should be treated with respect and human decency. Although, I shot the young lady in the struggle over the gun, she was already wanted and convicted of murder. I feared for my life, as well as did not intend to cause great bodily injury; otherwise, I would have shot her repeatedly. Finances and social class had a lot to do with my conviction. I was unable to afford the best attorney and I was what was considered â€Å"at-risk† urban youth.Society did not care about the reason the victim ended up shot once. It was argued by strangers who did not know me that I deserved to serve fourteen years, and maybe even deserved to be shot myself. Either way, I am a decent human being, who wanted nothing other than to reintegrate into society and make a positive life for myself. People could never understand that un less they have been in prison, or have a family member who has spent time in prison. There are people who deserve to be treated fairly no matter whether they   have committed a crime or not.I am sure I can benefit from therapy. It feels as if sometimes, I am suffering from post-traumatic stress. I feel I didn’t deserve to receive some of the abuse that I have fallen victim to. Inhumane treatment in prisons should be investigated. Society should take time to weigh all the issues and realize heinous crimes are committed and one absolutely should pay their debt to society, but never at the cost of their basic human rights. â€Å"All persons deprived of liberty shall be treated at all times with humanity and with respect for the inherent dignity of the human person†, (OHCHR, 2005).

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Sexuality and Breast Cancer Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Sexuality and Breast Cancer - Assignment Example Particularly among women more than 50 years of age, breast cancer is one of the major causes of deaths throughout the United Kingdom. Each year, approximately more than 10,000 or 26 out of 100,000 women die due to untreated breast cancer (Office for National Statistics, 2011b). Several studies revealed that there is a close link between sexuality and breast cancer in the sense that most women who has been diagnosed or has received breast cancer treatment experience a decreased sexual performance due to the psychological impact of body image disturbances (Fobair & Spiegel, 2009; Sheppard & Ely, 2008; Burwell et al., 2006; Fobair et al., 2006; Pelusi, 2006). The focus of this annotated bibliography is to examine and identify the link between sexuality and breast cancer. Aside from determining strategic ways that will enable specialist breast care nurses deliver a holistic care to the patients, information gathered in this study will be useful in terms of educating men and women about the psychological impact of having breast cancer on sexuality. This article increases the readers’ knowledge with regards to effective ways in controlling symptoms related to breast cancer treatment. It also emphasized the importance of increasing the nurses’ knowledge concerning the physiological and psychological impact of breast cancer. Aside from considering the cultural background of each patient when treating breast cancer, the author explained how the use of chemotherapy, hormonal therapy, radiation therapy, and mastectomy could create negative effects in patients’ sexual responses, sexual relationship with their partners and disturbance in body image. The author conducted a literature review as a way of examining the impact of breast cancer and breast cancer treatments on body image, sexual roles and relationships, and cultural differences of each patient. In general, qualitative approach in research design examines the relationship between the nature of the subject being examined in its natural setting (Maykut & Mor ehouse, 1994, p. 68). Through the use of this approach in research design, the researcher can freely describe and interpret the personal opinion of the research respondents with regards to the research questions (Patton, 2002). However, information gathered from pure qualitative research study is highly dependent on the researcher’s analysis and interpretation. Therefore, it would have been better in case the author decided to combine the use of qualitative with quantitative approach in research study design. Aside from the negative psychological impact of mastectomy, aging could make women unhappy about their physical appearance. Therefore, health teaching should be a part of the nurses’ responsibility when delivering holistic care to the patients. To encourage the patients’ partner in giving emotional support to the patient, nurses should communicate and educate the patients’ partner that the side effects of cancer therapies includes hormonal changes, s leep and appetite disturbances, fatigue, nausea and vomiting, malaise, and apathy. In response to

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Review McDonald's Organizational Chart Assignment

Review McDonald's Organizational Chart - Assignment Example In the case of McDonald’s organizational chart, the top management is headed by the chief executive officer called James A Skinner (Narapareddy, 2009). Just below the Chief executive there are vice presidents who are also the heads of the company’s different functional units. These functional units are managed from the head office and divided into smaller group managers in different markets where the company operates. These include group president – McDonalds Canada, president – MacDonald’s Asia/pacific, Middle East and Canada; Chief Operating officer – McDonald’s USA and the president of McDonald’s USA (Narapareddy, 2009). The group leaders in different markets are then divided into different divisions e.g. President – central division for McDonald’s USA, East Division for McDonald’s USA, West Division for McDonald’s USA etc. The company’s multidivisional structure therefore represents a geogr aphical structure with four important segments: McDonald’s – USA, McDonald’s – Europe, McDonald’s – Asia/pacific, Middle East and Africa; and McDonald’s – other countries and corporate (Narapareddy, 2009). This structure is a typical example of a multidivisional structure where divisions are managed geographically; each divisional manager managing a given geographical region. This is because theory suggests that multidivisional or divisional organizational chart marks off an organizational structure according to the demands of different markets, customers and products in their given business environment. In the case of McDonald’s organizational chart, the different divisions represent the demands of different geographical markets as illustrated in the organizational chart. McDonald’s organizational chart is a good chart representing a successful structure of the company. However, there are various improvements whi ch I could recommend for the organizational structure. First, I recommend that the divisions of the company should be based not only on the geographical markets but also the products of the company. For instance, the company may have food division, grocery division and beverages division. Another recommendation which I think can be more beneficial for the company is to increase the geographical divisions so as to reduce the burden of the divisional managers. For instance, McDonald’s Asia/Pacific, Middle East and Africa division may be divided into three divisions: McDonald’s Asia/Pacific, Middle East and Africa as different divisions not as a single division. The company should also divide McDonald’s Canada and Latin America division into three divisions namely Latin America Division, Canada Division and Mexico division. Europe’s division may also be divided into Eastern Europe and Western Europe divisions. Finally, a good recommendation for the companyâ €™s organizational structure is for the company to establish a central division which offers central services such as finance, CSR and other centrally managed services of the company. These central services are conducted with a direct link to the various divisions through an integrative, participative and proactive system which ensures that there is an effective information flow from the top management through different management levels to the various divisions of the company (Rollinson 2008). Despite the various aspects which require improvements, McDonald’

Possible Approaches in Counseling People Dealing With Bereavement Article

Possible Approaches in Counseling People Dealing With Bereavement - Article Example Death is not a mystery to those who have died. The people living are the ones who struggle to find meaning in it. As far back as 60,000 years ago, prehistoric people observed special ceremonies when burying their dead. Many early cultures believed that people continued to exist after death and had the same needs that they did in life; hence they buried their loved ones with food, dishes, weapons, and jewels. Some religions, such as Christianity, believe that the dead will rise again; to them, the burial of the body is symbolic, like the planting of a seed in the earth to await rebirth. Many Eastern religions share the belief that death marks the end only of physical existence and of the limited view of reality that human beings can grasp. Death itself is a remote experience in most lives today, something that takes place off-stage in a hospital or nursing-home. In earlier times, dying was a much more visible part of daily living. Families, friends, and other loved ones in a community would share in caring for those at the end of life (Schulz et al., 27 June 2001) Most deaths occurred at home, often following a brief illness and unaffected by the limited medical care available. Today, the process of dying almost has become invisible, but it still summons pain among the loved ones left (Bern-Krug et al., February 2001). Coping with loss is a process with an individual course, tem... There are others who benefit from, and still others who continue to require the assistance of, qualified psychotherapists in confronting the void left by death. There is no single ideal time point for therapeutic intervention. As practiced today, bereavement counselling is a valuable and non-stigmatizing method of assisting the bereaved who have difficulty entering, traversing or exiting the grief and mourning process. Review of Literature Throughout history, numerous writers and researchers have articulated their views of what constitutes the bereaved state and its associated actions, particularly since 1970. The earliest conceptualizations was done by Freud (1957), where he related it to loss situation-specific depressive syndromes, and he spoke of restitution of cathected or invested energies, particularly those of id origin. Later formulations bore the hallmark of attachment theory grounding, wherein the broken bond with the lost object/person is the subject and object of a universal psychosocial process leading to eventual reconciliation of painful feelings and reattachment to life, living and, for some, even new relationships. Colin Murray Parkes (1972) also cited stigma and deprivation as key features of the bereavement experience. These authors based their findings largely on studies of widows in Britain, Australia, and North America. Many of these seminal works on bereavement brought about a linear stage model of progression to some better state post-loss. Examples include the popularized views of Elisabeth Kbler-Ross (1969), who wrote of movement from denial, through anger, to bargaining, then to depression, and finally to acceptance. This often misrepresented and misused description none the less has

Monday, August 26, 2019

Re- write a Silent Movie- Blue Angel Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Re- write a Silent Movie- Blue Angel - Essay Example The woman imitates Lola’s shape on the poster by posing in a similar way. The main character is Emil Jannings who is referred to as Professor Rath in the film but commonly abbreviated as Prof. Rath. The audience first encounters him through a shot at the door that bears his common abbreviation. Professor Rath is preparing the lesson for a class presentation. The pupils quickly run to class in a Helter skelter after the bell rings. The professor appears to concentrate on preparing for a lesson while the caretaker who is in charge of the house reminds him of his breakfast. She then goes about her daily chores of cleaning the house. After taking his breakfast, the Professor leaves and begins to call his pet. Surprisingly, the bird does not respond and this forces him to check on it only to find that it is dead. These events bring a situation that is a little confusing because while the death of the bird appears to sadden the Professor, the housekeeper picks the bird and discards it into an open boiler. When doing this, she only mentions that the bird stopped singing sometimes back. This means that she was aware that the bird was dead but was not interested in checking its condition. The Professor, however, ignores her and continues taking his breakfast. The film moves to the next level by introducing the Professor’s class. ... He picks the professor’s lecture guide and changes it to read ‘Professor Garbage’. This appears to be very simple because in German, the boy only needs to add the prefix ‘un’ to the Professor’s sir name. The boy proceeds to draw a funny picture of Professor Rath and only stops after the pencil breaks. These things happen in class because the Professor has not arrived. It is at this moment that he appears to be resuming classes. The pealing of a big clock that looks like a cuckoo follows this scene. The film treats the audience to an ironical situation where the clock together with a bird perched on it moves from end to end round the clock as it clicks. The events capturing the attention of the audience break immediately one of the pupils screams at others to be on the lookout and watch for the old man. This is in reference to the Professor. The pupils quickly take their respective seats as Professor Rath instructs them to sit down and have thei r notebooks ready for the lesson. When the Professor blows his nose after using his handkerchief after taking his seat, he discovers that pupils have defaced his notebook. After carrying out a thorough search of the culprit from amongst his pupils, he identifies Angst, the most naughty of all his pupils. The Professor does not take into consideration that Angst may not have committed the offense but instructs him to rub the added prefix. Coincidentally, Angst is an apt character in a play by Rolf Muller, an original script where the author of Blue Angel picked his theme. The Professor begins his lesson by discussing an excerpt from Hamlet, the third Act in the first scene. This line is a famous soliloquy by Shakespeare. The Professor

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Learning memoir Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Learning memoir - Essay Example Having a car and having no driving experience did not augur well with the way I perceived things, I became restless never imagining the weird state in which I was. A car owner without any driving training leave alone experience, it was soothing to imagine myself putting my palms on the steering wheel, just to think of stepping on the clutch, it was pleased to have this thoughts soon I became obsessed my mind was clogged with the fact of spinning the wheels. Everyday I could stand by my car looking at it by admiration. After many days of desire I contacted my driving tutor, Mr. Timothy who happened to be a good instructor not by anything tangible but by the way he placed his words in the name of coaching me. Then I came to realize that I was a good auditory learner, yes my coach Timothy inflicted this in me I could learn from nothing sort to that. No pens, no papers and no computers or electronic gadgets to put my references from. â€Å"Be attentive to the speed limit†, â€Å"make a full stop at every point with a stop sign†. These words could reign on my mind every time I took to the road to train. These words were now frequently used by my coach Timothy I could now do the stopping without being reminded; I was a good observant of all the road rules. As an auditory learner I was expected to be attentive, keen and most importantly watch on how things transpired. When I completed my theory test which entailed listening and understanding the driving fundamental concepts it was a moment for my practical application for whatever I understood. Timothy and I took to the road, the training car was there waiting for us. It proved to be an up hill task for me to park a car to the back spot on a Z shape through reverse. I could not figure out the way this concept was coming about I tried at many times but to no avail it all ended in vain. It was

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Arabs and isreal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Arabs and isreal - Essay Example (Citron,25) This conflict has a religious background also as Israelis believe that this land was promised to them by God and have divine right to live and rule in this land. They consider this as their divine right because it was promised to them in Hebrew Bible. Muslims also consider this region as sacred because not only Muhammad stayed at Jerusalem on his night’s journey but they also believe that this land belongs to all children of Abraham and not to the children of his eldest Son Isaac only. Similarly, Christians also have religious reverence for the place and tend to accept the right of Jews to live and rule this land. Christians also view the return of Jews to this land as one of the important signs of Second Coming of Jesus Christ. All three major religions of the world therefore view this region as their own because this region is the center from where Judaism, Christianity and Islam emerged. There have been four large scale wars between Arabs and Israel on this issue including 1948 War of Independence, 1956 Sinai War, 1967 Six Day war and 1973 Yom Kippur War. All the wars resulted into damage to both the sides however, further complicated the overall relationships between various Arab States and Israel. As a result of 1948 war, Israel was also able to capture areas beyond its mandated boundaries and further demarcation in the land took place with Gaza Strip being controlled by Egypt and West Bank by Jordan. Many Arab States including Egypt and Jordan signed peace treaties with Israel. Peace treaty between Egypt and Israel was signed in 1979 whereas Jordan entered into a similar agreement in 1994 to end the conflict and hostilities while at the same time agreeing to resolve other issues. Israel’s relationships with other countries including Iraq and Iran however, remained volatile as Iraq attacked Israel during Gulf War in 1990s. Iran is also believed to be supporting Hezbollah and Hammas, the groups directly engaged with Israel in

Friday, August 23, 2019

Procurement, contracts and strategies Assignment

Procurement, contracts and strategies - Assignment Example It seems to oscillate between adopting a bold and inspirational stance and being timid and accepting. It is caught between the need to encourage as much growth as the local economy can accommodate and the desire to be selective and discerning on the grounds of quality. There is a wide gap between the ambition of being a truly European city and the reality. Those who aspire to be control of urban development in Leeds are more at its mercy than they could like to think or have us believe. Leeds city council struggles to raise the value of their goods and services. This will lead to improvement in the monetary value. The following procurement strategy is mainly focused on the openness and transparency, category management, lifecycle approach the skills and capacity of procurement professionals. This idea is striving to exploit the examples of good practice and skilled with expertise professionals that are within the council’s premises from the local community to the international community. In addition, it also deals with the private sector and the public and responds to the views received through extensive ranging discussion and pilot projects. Recently changes have occurred to the procurements of Leeds city council that are not far related to those of Staffordshire county council. It has been overshadowed that the changes will take approximately twelve months to be fully implemented and function in Leeds city council across all units of the council. This procurement strategy will be checked semi-annually together with the documents set to show the possible changes and lessons learnt from the new procurement. Leeds city council at present spends $1500 million each financial year in terms of revenue and capital. The council acquires a very extensive range of services, goods and works. This includes back office support and the

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Isotoner Case Brief Essay Example for Free

Isotoner Case Brief Essay Facts of the Case: LaNisa Allen appealed the original judgment in favor of Totes/Isotoner Corporation on the issue of whether the Ohio Fair Employment Practices Act, as amended by the Pregnancy Discrimination Act, prohibits an employer from discriminating against a female employee because of or on the basis of lactation. Relevant law associated includes whether Allen established a prima facie case of â€Å"sex discrimination on the basis of pregnancy,† or whether she â€Å"was simply and plainly terminated as an employee at will for taking an unauthorized, extra break. † Allen’s original complaint was termination attributable to discrimination, based on pregnancy and related conditions, even though Isotoner claimed to have released her for failure to â€Å"follow directions.† Evidence admitted in Allen’s disposition of taking unauthorized breaks for a two week period, which constituted the failure to follow directions, confirmed the trial courts summary judgment. As the trial court granted judgment to Isotoner, the Twelfth District Court of Appeals followed suit, as Allen admitted to ignoring directions and failed to establish a prima facie case of sex discrimination on the basis of pregnancy and it’s after effects. Issues: Although the lower courts concentrated upon the apparent facts of the case, especially â€Å"Whether Allen’s unauthorized breaks to pump her breast in order to avoid lactation constituted as sex discrimination†; a more superior issue arises from this case. Assuming a proper prima facie case was established, â€Å"Is purported discrimination due to lactation included within the range of Ohio’s employment-discrimination statute, R.C. 4112.02, as sex discrimination under R.C. 4112.01(B)?† Decision s: Ruling of the initial appeal of judgment in favor of Totes/Isotoner Corporation for discrimination Allen was affirmed. Subsequently, the Supreme Court of Ohio did not touch the issue of whether purported discrimination due to lactation is included within the range of Ohio’s employment-discrimination statute, R.C. 4112.02, as sex discrimination under R.C. 4112.01(B). An opinion of whether they thought this discrimination did fall in that range was included in Judge O’Connor’s judgment. Reasoning: Rationale leading the judges in a majority opinion to affirm the initial judgment, stemmed from the failure of Allen to develop a record from which a jury could find in her favor. However, several  of the judges felt â€Å"lactation is a physical condition associated with pregnancy and childbirth, hence the FEPA, as amended by the Ohio PDA, prohibits discrimination against females because they are lactating.† It is proposed that the Supreme Court of Ohio should reach the merits to clarify the laws. Separate Opinions: Judgment was affirmed by Judges Lundberg Stratton, O’Donnell, and Cupp, JJ. , as they believed Allen was discharged for taking unauthorized breaks from her scheduled employment. Since Allen failed to present evidence of a discriminatory motive from Isotoner, or that reason for releasing her from employment was a ground for discrimination, Lundberg Stratton, O’Donnell, and Cupp, JJ. felt only the issues presented by the facts of Isotoner discharging Allen due to ‘unauthorized breaks’ should be decided on, while issues of the facts not directly placed on issue should only be responded to with advisory opinion. Judges Moyer, C.J. and O’Connor J. concurred in the foregoing judgment only. They assert lactation to fall within the scope of R.C. 4122.01(B) and that the statute prohibits employment discrimination against lactating women. Also, they oppose the claim of opinions regarding issues not directly placed on issue to be strictly advisory. â€Å"A cause will become moot only when it becomes impossible for a [***627] tribunal to grant meaningful relief, even if it were to rule in favor of the party seeking relief.† Moyer, C.J, and O’Connor J. claim these indirect issues to be live, not as remote possibilities or based on controversies that may never occur. Their assertion that â€Å"lactation is a physical condition associated with pregnancy and childbirth, hence the FEPA, as amended by the Ohio PDA, prohibits discrimination against females because they are lactating† is fully discussed. Dissent is issued by Judge Peifer, J. as he declares the question needed answered by Ohioans was not resolute. Peifer, J. claimed â€Å"the court should analyze the case by asking (1) whether the plaintiff stated a cognizable cause of action and (2) whether the facts support the alleged cause of action.† Emphasis was placed by Peifer, J. on the circumstance of unclear facts of the case such as why Allen’s unscheduled restroom breaks outside of scheduled break times were different from restroom trips made by coworkers outside of their scheduled break times. Also, Judge Peifer argued that cases should be accepted not because of how the result might affect the parties in the individual case, but because of how a holding might affect other persons similarly situated. Peifer held â€Å"employment discrimination due to lactation as unlawful pursuant to R.C. 4112.01(B), that clear public policy justifies an exception to the employment-at-will doctrine for women fired for reasons relating to lactation, and that LaNisa Allen deserves the opportunity-due to the state of the record-to prove her claim before a jury.† Analysis: The significance of this case relates to the importance of establishing suitable evidence for a prima facie case and also to ruling on issues brought forward by cases. Although the affirmed judgment in favor of Isotoner was applicable due to Allen’s failure to provide evidence of sex discrimination related to after effects of pregnancy, it is important for courts to reach a decision on such cases the holding will/has affected other persons similarly situated. Similar cases of discharge or unpaid circumstances have been previously governed, including Fejes v. Gilpin Ventures, Inc. 960 F. Supp 1487and Martinez v. N.B.C. Inc. 49 F.Supp.2d 305l, among others. Therefore sex discrimination due to the aftereffects of pregnancy affects many individuals in Ohio and throughout the United States, and therefore a ruling of whether purported discrimination due to lactation is included within the range of Ohio’s employment-discrimination statute, R.C. 4112.02, as sex discrimination under R.C. 4112.01(B) is vital in reducing sex discrimination in the workplace.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Past, Present, and Future Trends Essay Example for Free

Past, Present, and Future Trends Essay Policing as defined by Merriam Webster is to control, regulate, or keep in order by the use of police. Since the early years of its existence, policing has taken on several changes some historically. Policing has made momentous changes since its implementation. Policing has changed form a one sheriff community to a multi-agency department of law enforcement officials sworn to protect and serve. The changes made in policing have varied from race and gender. The development of policing within each level of government has proven to be an every growing entity with major obstacles. The changes in criminal activity, the age of those breaking the law, and the changing laws has made policing and ever changing agency. Past trends like gangs always have been an issue, but pose serious challenges for law enforcement today. â€Å"More and more juveniles are transferred to adult court systems, greater demands will be placed on correctional institutions and their staff (Muraskin Roberts, 2009, pg. 3, Para 5)†. With the threat of urban terrorism, these aggressive gangs control the social lives of many neighborhoods, becoming more of a threat than foreign terrorists (Muraskin Roberts, 2009) Past trends like the large use of illegal drugs that are still causing high incarceration rates is proving that incarceration is not working. These offenders, which were incarcerated for these crimes once released relapse into the same criminal behavior, leaving many victims behind. There have been several changes in policing from the mid 1800s. With the continued changes and growth within many communities, the law enforcement community needed to change and grow with the communities. There were many changes that needed to take place to serve the community and society. Many changes have occurred from the 1960s on into the 1990s. One major change in policing has been the representation of African American officers in many police departments (Walker, Katz, Ch.2). The process to the present policing was a slow and effective process, which has changed over the years to create a more effective policing system. To this day, in many communities there are problems within policing. The present problems still include corruption and many political influences from within the community. Policing today has become more effective with little discrimination. The future produces many different avenues for change in police organizations. Technology has grown, times have changed and people are different today when it comes down to policing in the United States. Almost everything will be digital, accurate and there will no longer be a need for as many officers. The use of our satellites in space will be more common and crime will be detected easier and response times will be faster. The communication with fellow officers will be better. With the future so bright, technology evolving by the day, policing organization can only progress. This will also have a positive impact on the community and maybe it will place trust in our judicial system again. . The changes policing has endured over the course of years has evolved policing into a multifunctional agency of dedicated men and women who have promised to protect and serve. For policing to be effective, agencies of the criminal justice system must continue to work hand-in-hand to provide the best protection for its citizens. Policing will be ever changing because of the differences of criminal activity presented and by the type of criminals involved. Reference: Chapter 2 The History of the American Police by, Samuel Walker, Charles M. Katz

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Gentrification In New Chinese Urbanism Cultural Studies Essay

Gentrification In New Chinese Urbanism Cultural Studies Essay While the economic system in China reformed from centrally planned economy to market orientated economy, the Chinese urbanization also shifted from industrial urbanism to post-industrial urbanism, especially in large cities. And the emergence of gentrification as a new social phenomenon at the moment has indicated the trend in the next round of urban development. Beijing 798 Art Zone is a typical example reflecting the general scene of such change. Through sixty years time, its identity has transformed from an old industrial site to an active art district, and is now facing the reality to be further developed into a commercial zone gentrified by rich middle-class. There is no single element capable of explaining the entire and sophisticated picture of such process. The changing political economy and social conditions both contribute to the transformation of space over time. However, among all, culture and capital are always the most important driven factors in the gentrification process. Part 01: A Brief History of Beijing 798 Art Zone Part 02: A Comparison Study of SoHo, New York Part 03: Gentrification in Beijing 798 Art Zone Part 04: Conclusion Part 01: A Brief History of Beijing 798 Art Zone Exterior view, Beijing 798 Art Zone, 2008 Interior view, Beijing 798 Art Zone, 2008 The site of 798 Art Zone was originally one part of Beijing North China Wireless Joint Equipment Factory. It was also called 718 Joint Factory, taking a total land area up to 600,000 sqm in northwest Beijing. In 1950s the early time of the cold war, the newly formed Peoples Republic of China was eager to achieve the goal of national industrialization in order to establish its own economic system. The construction of large-scale factories at the time was to follow the first five year plan (1953-1957), aiming to transform China from a long-history agricultural country to an advanced industrial country based on the Soviet model of developing heavy industries. 718 Joint Factory was initially designed by the East German experts from an architectural institution in Dessau in 1952. Influenced by Bauhaus style, the design was aimed to meet the practical demands, bring the technical and aesthetic property of new material and new structure into effect, as well as retain simplicity and flexibility. The factory was then constructed from 1954 and put into production in 1957. Through the entire 50s, the 718 Joint Factory was regarded as the symbol of national industrialization in the Chinese capital city. In the following twenty years, China had suffered huge social and economic revolutions. Industrialization process was paused severely and even stopped for a period of time. From the failure of The Great Leap Forward in 1958 to the Reform and Opening up policy in 1979, China had shifted from centrally planned economy to market oriented economy, which resulted the fundamental changes of organization for many leftover factories from the 50s. In 1964, the supervisor units canceled the organizational system of 718. 706,707,718,797,798 and 751 started to operate separately as independent factories. Shortly afterwards in 1970s, the once state-owned factory was converted to non-state-owned factory. However the change of organizational system didnt actually bring the expected spring. Till the 1990s, most workers in the factories were so poor that they could no longer make a living here. The final bankruptcy of the factories turned this huge area into an abandoned land at the edge of Beijing city. In December 2000, the former six factories of 700, 706, 707, 718, 797, and 798 were reorganized and incorporated into Beijing Seven-star Science and Technology Co., LTD. The Seven Group rented out the empty plants on a short-term basis. Attracted by convenient traffic, extremely cheap price, unique style of Bauhaus architecture which was featured with high ceiling, massive open floor plan and big windows, many art organizations and individual artists came to rent the vacant factories and transformed them into their work and living space since 2001. Gradually, 798 became a district full of galleries, art studios and cultural companies. The name 798 Art Zone came into being. However just when 798 Art Zone was developing prosperously, the artists were facing evictions due to the pressure from both the government and the real estate developers. The government was proposing re-development project in 798 Art Zone and the surrounding areas for Zhong Guan Cun Science and Technology Electronic Park. And the real estate developers were investing more and more high-end residential projects around 798 areas for the rich middle-class, which had resulted an intensively besieging situation towards the art district. Also the rising reputation of 798 Art Zone had attracted large tourists visit the site everyday. Art atmosphere was overwhelmed by commercial activities in the area. The rise of land price caused the displacement of artists. Many people are predicting that eventually 798 Art Zone will be transformed into a commercial zone similar to the SoHo neighborhood in New York. One day only the luxury brand can afford the space and no artists will be able to stay. The pure art in the so-called art zone will be dead soon. Part 02: A Comparison Study of SoHo, New York The development process of SoHo in New York is the typical US example of urban landscape shaped by gentrification. SoHo is located by the southwest side of Manhattan and has been an industrial zone especially for textile firms since late nineteenth century. After the World War II, the modification in structure of advanced capitalist cities in the US with the shift from industrial to service-based economy had caused the decline of manufactories in the centre of the city. Many factories in SoHo started to move out, leaving large quantities of cast-iron-style buildings known as Loft in the district. While some of them were transformed to warehouses and printing plants, others were unoccupied or torn down to be replaced by gas stations, auto repair shops and parking lots and garages. By the 1950s, the area got the nickname called Hells Hundred Acres, an industrial wasteland full of sweatshops and small factories in the daytime, but empty like a ghost town at night. In the mid-1960s, many artists got interested in the area because of the industrial characters of the buildings: high ceiling, generous s pace and big windows providing natural light. And after all, the most important fact was the low rental price, which meant that the artists could actually occupy the whole floor or even the whole building. Many of these lofts were then redesigned and converted into dual functional studios combining living and working together. However at the time, it was actually not permitted to live in the loft by law. In a way, these artists were squatted illegally. At the time, living in a loft was not appreciated by middle-class. As Sharon Zukin wrote in his book Loft Living, it was considered neither chic nor comfortable if the possibility was considered at all. Making home in a factory district clearly contradicted the dominant middle-class ideas of home and factory, as well as the separate environments of family and work on which these ideas were based  [1]  . It was only the choiceless option of poor artists. In 1971, the amendment of Zoning Resolution had given permission for the artists to live where they worked. The area also received landmark designation as the SoHo-Cast Iron Historic District in 1973, which had preserved the original architecture and avoided the area to be redeveloped. The change of policy and rising reputation of SoHo had attracted more and more artists to work and live here. Soon, SoHo became vibrant again as the center of art and design in New York City. The desirable cultural atmosphere created by art events, and the fluid loft space gradually formed a new lifestyle. People began to find the notion of living in a loft attractive  [2]  . An increasing number of middle-class people moved into certain cultural patterns, particularly an active appreciation of the arts and historic preservation, which had previously been upper-class domains. Their growing identification with fine arts production and fine old buildings let them first to try to protect space for artists and historic preservation and then to appropriate this space which was often in loft buildings for themselves. In this process, art and historic preservation took on a broader meaning. They became both more commercial and less elitist.  [3]   The altered view of loft living reflects the new life attitude among middle-class people between late 1970s to1980s. Most new middle-classes at the time were born after the wartime. In a trend toward a new lifestyle with fewer children, postponed marriages and a fast-rising divorce rate, they were eager to free themselves from the traditional idea of family. Unlike their parents, their desire and dreams were defined in urban rather then suburban terms.  [4]  Theyd prefer to stay in the city to enjoy life or pursuit their careers rather than live in countryside for a peaceful (boring) life. Also, according to Raphael Samuel, the new middle-classes are outward looking rather than inward looking. They have opened up their homes to visitors, and exposed them to the public gaze.  [5]  Also they have a different emotional economy from that of their pre-war predecessors. They go in for instant rather than deferred gratification, making a positive virtue of their expenditure, and tre ating the self-indulgent as an ostentatious display of good taste.  [6]   The character of SoHo did fulfill their new desires the unusual way of living in a loft; the freedom and passion of life from an artist neighbor; home as a place taking the rich history from the past in architecture termsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦The wonderful cultural atmosphere full of art and adventure is no doubt one of the main reason that attracts the middle-class to gentrify SoHo. In this stage, culture showed its great importance to push gentrification process. The move-in of middle-classes is the concrete evidence. And very soon the fine art production started to absorb investment of commercial capitals. Sharon Zukin regarded this type of urban renaissance model as the Artistic Mode of Production The role of capital investment will then take over the cultural effect and push forward to the next stage of gentrification. And of course the intervention of investment capitals is not just the result of the cultural attractions. It also sat in the broader social economic modification happening in the country. First is the major suburbanization process across the US caused most middle-classes moved to live in the countryside while left the city unoccupied. The declined city with loads of abandoned spaces was then taken over by lower classes and homeless people. Such capital devalorization produced the rent gap, which referred to the disparity between the potential ground rent level and the actual ground rent capitalized under the present land use  [7]  . Potentially it provided great opportunities for developers to invest new projects and earn high profit. It had encouraged gentrification and urban renaissance in the US cities. Secondly, in order to alter the situation of declined city, the US government had proposed a series of urban renewal plans including the clearance of slums and encouraging real estate development. Many areas especially around central business districts (CBD) are been redeveloped into high-end apartments, commercial offices and cultural facilities, which had enlarged the CBD and improved the urban conditions of living. Thirdly, according to the law of market economy, production is always driven by consumption. Therefore, the investment of SoHo was driven by the fact that middle-classes had the strong will to purchase. Beside the cultural attraction, other points cannot be ignored neither such as, location advantage. The globalization process and the transformation of US cities from industrial to post-industrial economy had increased working opportunities in serviced-based industry. The white-collar middle-class is the product of such economic situation. The globalization made big cities become the networked pinpoints and the command center of global economic operation. Under such extreme competitive situation, time and distance meant money and efficiency. Many white-collar employees moved to live in the declined areas close to their offices in the central business district. For this reason, SoHo was a good choice. The development of luxury housing had also caused the boom of shop and catering businesses as well as tourism in SoHo. The increasing commercial atmosphere had pushed the land price dramatically. The gentrification process had forced many pioneering artists to move out due to the unaffordable price of housing. Most previous lofts are now trendy shops, pricy restaurants or expansive apartments. The Art SoHo neighborhood is steadily eroded from the street pattern by commercial landscapes. That is the development model of SoHo. Part 03: Gentrification in Beijing 798 Art Zone The gentrification phenomenon in China is rooted in the complex nesting of social, political, economic and cultural shifts. It is the result of multiple forces behind the surface. And again, culture and capital play the more significant role in the game. Culture in the 798 case can be divided into two parts. One is the existing cultural value the historical Bauhaus architecture, and the other is the cultivated cultural value gradually formed by the artists. However the cultivated culture had experienced a devaluation process through the commercialization of art products. And in the end turned culture value to commercial value. In 798 site, history and reality, industry and the arts perfectly meet. The cultural value went to its peak in the first a few years after the settle of artists. Art galleries, artist studios, salons and museums transformed this abandoned industrial site to a dreamland of art and design. The name 798 Art Zone came into being. Since this name was getting more and more famous, the actually art production and fine old industrial buildings had absorbed investment of commercial capitals. Shops and restaurants started to occupy the plots, and soon countless tourists rushed in from all over the world. 798 became one of the must-go spots in Beijings cultural tourism. The consequence is big galleries and commercial institutes remained but pioneering artists moved out due to rental price. Some third-rate artists moved in selling cheap works. You can still see paintings and sculptures everywhere in 798, however they have nothing to do with art but money. The strong smell of commercialized products had replaced the pure taste of art. It seems more like a 798 Commercial Zone instead of 798 Art Zone. This is the first round of absorbing capitals from its original cultural value, which happened within the art zone itself. The second round is occurring in the adjacent areas around 798 with capital investment both from the government and the developers. 798 Art Zone is located in the area called Wang Jing in northeast edge of Beijing in Zone 4. One major difference between Chinese and American urbanism is that, while in America, the development is going backwards to the city site from suburban; the Chinese model is to enlarge the city territory by expanding to suburban areas due to the saturation of land sources and the over-development of the city center. In planning outline of Beijing, Wang Jing, where 798 Art Zone laid is marked for the new CBD (Central Business District) and high-tech companies especially communication and Internet industries. The government had proposed to build Zhong Guan Cun Science and Technology Electronic Park in 798 and its surrounding areas in 2002. Originally, all tenants in 798 factories should be evacuated by the end of 2005 in order to start construction. Through a long fight between the government and the artists, 798 Art Zone had been temporarily reserved, however still faced the risk of been demolished at some point in the future. In the Chinese case, the national capital takes the fundamental effect in the process of urbanization. Different from the US system, in China, all land sources belong to the government. While the government only takes a guiding role in the US, the Chinese government actually takes direct actions by investing with national capitals to modify urban patterns. On the other hand, the city planning strategy and investment of national capital also caused further investment from private developers. Because of the urban set up of CBD and high-tech zone in the area, there are a lot of white-collar middle-classes living here, which makes Wang Jing as one of the main residential districts in Beijing. And this provides great opportunities for real estate developers. Another significant factor to draw the capital from developers is the consumption concept of these white-collar middle-classes in China. In general, they share very similar character and taste with the new middle-class of the US in 1970s/1980s. The Chinese middle-class is formulating their new lifestyle. They choose to live close to work in order to achieve the best efficiency. They appreciate the value of culture. It is the new fashion to live in a cultural district to express their special taste. The only difference compared with the US situation is that they prefer to live in suburban area with a reasonable distance away from the city center in order to gain more living space in an affordable price. Clearly, these consumption views have pushed the production of large residential projects by the developer in this area, where perfectly match the new Chinese middle-class preferred location and cultural requirements. Overall, the input of both national and private capitals and the move-in of rich middle-classes in 798 surrounding areas had formed a besieging situation towards the art zone itself. And together with the inner commercialization process that happened in 798 Art Zone, the rental price of the studio space became extremely high. The artist community as the original cultural generator is forced to leave. That is the unique gentrification process of the 798 case controlled by culture and capital in the Chinese urban context. Part 04: Conclusion The sixty years development of the 798 site reflects the Chinese social economic changes. The transformation of actual space represents the shifting urbanization patterns in Chinese cities. Artists, government, city planners, developers and the middle-class all play significant roles in the gentrification process controlled by culture and capital factors. Similar to the SoHo model in the US, the 798 site has experienced developing stages from an iconic industrial district to an abandoned declined area, and to a vibrant art district, then finally to a commercial zone. While cultural value works as the initial activator and intermediate transforming force, national and private capitals in this Chinese case are the termination factors leading the urban gentrification process of the 798 Art Zone. Eventually, the commercial value takes over the original cultural value. The art zone becomes the past.

Emotional Aspects of Mary Reilly :: Essays Papers

Emotional Aspects of Mary Reilly Throughout her tale of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, Martin maintains some emotional aspects of the original Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, while discarding and replacing others. Although the subtleties of the emotions in Stevenson's novel are deeper than those of Martin's, they may still be found spotting the plot in all of the different characters. Stevenson's primary characters, Mr. Hyde, Dr. Jekyll, and Mr. Utterson, display the strongest emotions, and can be most easily documented and interpreted. Martin, on the other hand, swaps out Mr. Utterson as the primary character and replaces him with Mary Reilly, a housemaid living with Dr. Jekyll. Unlike Stevenson, Martin provides a very grand emotional display. Mary is plagued by several distinct emotions, and the thoughts and feelings of Dr. Jekyll are brought to light far more vividly than in Stevenson's text. By utilizing a deep connection to emotion in her novel, Mary Reilly, Valerie Martin nearly transforms the genre of the original Dr. Je kyll and Mr. Hyde into a psychological thriller. Mary Reilly's emotions play the strongest role in Martin's novel. Since the Mary Reilly character does not appear in the original novel, it is difficult to compare her emotional characteristics to those found in Stevenson's novel; her point of view, however, can be loosly juxtaposed to the overall style of the narrators involved in Stevenson's novel. As previously noted, the emotions expressed by Stevenson are mostly implied, but they nevertheless carry a great deal of importance to the novel. As the Stvenson novel is told exclusively by upper-class characters and a narrator viewing only those upper-class characters, a great deal of detail is left out. The thoughts and feelings of Utterson, Lanyon, and Jekyll are all downplayed in a sort of "gentleman's modesty". Jekyll does not even reveal his chemically separated counterpart to anyone until desperate circumstances reqire that he release the information to Lanyon. Utterson masks his concern with his professional attitude, and Poole , Jekyl's butler, does the same. All of this masquerading begins to come to an end when at last the true identity of Mr. Hyde is brought to light. Until this point, the reader has only a few hints and his/her own thoughts to be guided by. In a plot-turning scene set in the street below Dr. Jekyll's open window, Jekyll tries to speak with Utterson and Enfield as they pass by: Emotional Aspects of Mary Reilly :: Essays Papers Emotional Aspects of Mary Reilly Throughout her tale of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, Martin maintains some emotional aspects of the original Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, while discarding and replacing others. Although the subtleties of the emotions in Stevenson's novel are deeper than those of Martin's, they may still be found spotting the plot in all of the different characters. Stevenson's primary characters, Mr. Hyde, Dr. Jekyll, and Mr. Utterson, display the strongest emotions, and can be most easily documented and interpreted. Martin, on the other hand, swaps out Mr. Utterson as the primary character and replaces him with Mary Reilly, a housemaid living with Dr. Jekyll. Unlike Stevenson, Martin provides a very grand emotional display. Mary is plagued by several distinct emotions, and the thoughts and feelings of Dr. Jekyll are brought to light far more vividly than in Stevenson's text. By utilizing a deep connection to emotion in her novel, Mary Reilly, Valerie Martin nearly transforms the genre of the original Dr. Je kyll and Mr. Hyde into a psychological thriller. Mary Reilly's emotions play the strongest role in Martin's novel. Since the Mary Reilly character does not appear in the original novel, it is difficult to compare her emotional characteristics to those found in Stevenson's novel; her point of view, however, can be loosly juxtaposed to the overall style of the narrators involved in Stevenson's novel. As previously noted, the emotions expressed by Stevenson are mostly implied, but they nevertheless carry a great deal of importance to the novel. As the Stvenson novel is told exclusively by upper-class characters and a narrator viewing only those upper-class characters, a great deal of detail is left out. The thoughts and feelings of Utterson, Lanyon, and Jekyll are all downplayed in a sort of "gentleman's modesty". Jekyll does not even reveal his chemically separated counterpart to anyone until desperate circumstances reqire that he release the information to Lanyon. Utterson masks his concern with his professional attitude, and Poole , Jekyl's butler, does the same. All of this masquerading begins to come to an end when at last the true identity of Mr. Hyde is brought to light. Until this point, the reader has only a few hints and his/her own thoughts to be guided by. In a plot-turning scene set in the street below Dr. Jekyll's open window, Jekyll tries to speak with Utterson and Enfield as they pass by:

Monday, August 19, 2019

Human Genetics :: essays research papers fc

Human Genome Project A genome is defined as the complete collection of an organisms genetic material. The human genome is composed of about 50,000 to 100,000 genes located on 23 pairs of chromosomes in a human cell. It is said that a single human chromosome may contain more than 250 million DNA base pairs, and it is estimated that the entire human genome consists of about 3 billion base pairs. The DNA is gathered through blood samples taken from many different people. Though each person has a unique set of DNA the difference in a given pair of samples is less than 1 percent making the differences pale in comparison to the similarities. The Human Genome Project is an international collaboration of scientists who’s goal is to gain a basic understanding of the genetic blueprint of a human being. This information is found in each cell of the body, encoded in the DNA. The intent of this project is to identify all genes in the nucleus of a human cell, to map where those genes are on the chromosomes of the nucleus, and to determine the seqeuncing or the order of these chemical subunits of the DNA. The idea to undertake such a project was came about through a series of scientific conferences held between 1985 and 1987. The actual project ,however, did not begin until 1990 with the expansion of funding from the NIH and DOE. There are many nations involved with this project as part of an informal pact including France, Germany, Japan, the United Kingdom, and many other european nations. Also in an effort to speed up the mapping and sequencing process several private companies have been enlisted to help such as Celera Genomics. Today there is a lot of research being done under the umbrella of the Human Genome Project. For instince gene therapy is being developed as a very real cure for such hereditary diseases as Cystic Fibrosis and Parkinsons where somewhere in the genetic make up of the body there is a glich tht alows the nervous tissue of the brain to deteriorat e at a slow but steady rate. With gene therapy we will be able to replace the tissue in the brain with correctly funtioning tissue from an animal such as a pig. As of early 1999 the Human Genome Project was ahead of schedule. There is said to be nearly 10 percent of the genome sequenced already or about 7,600 genes have been mapped to particular chromosomes.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Designing a New System for Gala Visions :: Video Rentals Consumerism Essays

Designing a New System for Gala Visions Gala Visions is a widely growing video rental outlet for most of the Asian community where both Hollywood and Bollywood movies are found, I will be using ICT to design a new system for it. Analysis ======== Background to the problem ------------------------- Gala Visions is small video rental store on Whalley Range in Blackburn. The store is home to the many different genres of movies through Hollywood and Bollywood. It is run by Fakhir. Identification of Prospective Users ----------------------------------- Gala Visions is a widely growing video rental outlet for most of the Asian community where both Hollywood and Bollywood movies are found. Because of this, the outlet has grown out of the manual system that is at use for the renting of Video's/Dvd's. Its main problem is it is very slow and unreliable. Fakhir has been looking for alternative systems to upgrade the current system and to increase effectiveness in the business. Identification of User Needs ---------------------------- I myself do go to Gala Visions to hire Video's/Dvd's of all genres. Fakhir has granted me full co-operation from his side to carry out my Computing Coursework which if effective enough he may invest in a computer with the system that I am going to produce. Q) How many videos/Dvd's do you have in stock? A) 3000+. Q) Do you rent out both Hollywood and Bollywood Movies? A) Yes we do but we only rent particular Hollywood box office smash hits. Q) Do you rent out all genres of movies? A) Yes. Q) How does the current rental system work? A) It's a manual, paper pen based system. Q) What happens when a person wants to hire a video/Dvd out? A) Once the customer is happy with its choice we take their name and address. We scan through the record book to check if that person is registered. Then we take that persons id number, which is given to all customers, and label a hire form. The customer details i.e. Name, Address is also labelled. That's it. Q) What time limit is the Video/Dvd rented out for? A) 1 Day. Q) What happens when a Video/Dvd is returned? A) We cross off the rental on the hire form. Q) How do you know that all the Video's/Dvd's have been returned? A) Normally we check through the hire form but sometimes we don't, as it is very time consuming. Q) What happens when Videos/Dvd's are overdue? A) We normally charge extra. Q) What happens if the Video/Dvd is not returned? A) We send a reminder through the post and then issue recovery procedures. Q) How many copies of each Video/Dvd do you normally keep? Designing a New System for Gala Visions :: Video Rentals Consumerism Essays Designing a New System for Gala Visions Gala Visions is a widely growing video rental outlet for most of the Asian community where both Hollywood and Bollywood movies are found, I will be using ICT to design a new system for it. Analysis ======== Background to the problem ------------------------- Gala Visions is small video rental store on Whalley Range in Blackburn. The store is home to the many different genres of movies through Hollywood and Bollywood. It is run by Fakhir. Identification of Prospective Users ----------------------------------- Gala Visions is a widely growing video rental outlet for most of the Asian community where both Hollywood and Bollywood movies are found. Because of this, the outlet has grown out of the manual system that is at use for the renting of Video's/Dvd's. Its main problem is it is very slow and unreliable. Fakhir has been looking for alternative systems to upgrade the current system and to increase effectiveness in the business. Identification of User Needs ---------------------------- I myself do go to Gala Visions to hire Video's/Dvd's of all genres. Fakhir has granted me full co-operation from his side to carry out my Computing Coursework which if effective enough he may invest in a computer with the system that I am going to produce. Q) How many videos/Dvd's do you have in stock? A) 3000+. Q) Do you rent out both Hollywood and Bollywood Movies? A) Yes we do but we only rent particular Hollywood box office smash hits. Q) Do you rent out all genres of movies? A) Yes. Q) How does the current rental system work? A) It's a manual, paper pen based system. Q) What happens when a person wants to hire a video/Dvd out? A) Once the customer is happy with its choice we take their name and address. We scan through the record book to check if that person is registered. Then we take that persons id number, which is given to all customers, and label a hire form. The customer details i.e. Name, Address is also labelled. That's it. Q) What time limit is the Video/Dvd rented out for? A) 1 Day. Q) What happens when a Video/Dvd is returned? A) We cross off the rental on the hire form. Q) How do you know that all the Video's/Dvd's have been returned? A) Normally we check through the hire form but sometimes we don't, as it is very time consuming. Q) What happens when Videos/Dvd's are overdue? A) We normally charge extra. Q) What happens if the Video/Dvd is not returned? A) We send a reminder through the post and then issue recovery procedures. Q) How many copies of each Video/Dvd do you normally keep?

Saturday, August 17, 2019

The aeration of the mixture of microorganisms

Water treatment is the removal of harmful pollutants in the water so that it can be used domestically and agriculturally. It is conducted through the use of chemical, biological and physical processes. Wastewater treatment enables the recycling of water so that it can be used for various uses. Main body Secondary water treatment method involves the removal of fine and dissolved wastes that are organic by the use of a biological process of treating water. The common approaches to biological water treatment process are the activated sludge and trickling filter.Activated sludge through the aeration of the mixture of microorganisms, which are also referred to as biological sludge, and wastewater. The microorganisms are subjected under an environment that facilitates their growth (Neary, 2009). The wastewater is continuously run into the aeration tank so that the provision of oxygen is enabled. Through the provision of oxygen, the microorganisms are in a position to break down the polluta nts that are organic. In the end, the activated sludge remains in the bottom.The sludge that is in excess is removed and put into disposal. The other approach is the trickling filters that uses a bed of stones, or the plastic material that is perforated. Oxygen is picked up by the waste water and gets sprayed through the filter so that it can pass through the micro organisms . The organic materials present in the waste water are fed on by the micro-organisms due to the high amounts of oxygen. These methods bring together aerobic micro –organisms, oxygen and organic matter.Biological oxidation takes place in the water treatment system, other than in the lake or in a stream when the organic wastes are discarded there. The tertiary water treatment has many processes that include; removal of nutrient, which include Nitrogen and Phosphorous, and toxic materials removal. Tertiary treatment process combines physical and chemical treatment; however, there are still biological treatme nts that remove Nitrogen and Phosphorous.Water is pumped through carbon filters that are activated. Charcoal is activated carbon that has been treated so that it can increase the chemical bonding potential. It is after this filtration that Nitrogen and Phosphorous are removed. However, the water has to pass through chemical treatment that is specialized in order to remove some chemical pollutants. An example of the pollutants is hexavalent chromium, which is toxic and can lead to cancer. Reclaimed water is water that has been treated .this water can be used for irrigation, generation of power, controlling dust, recharging of aquifer, cooling in some of the industrial process and restoration of the natural system. This water cannot be used for drinking, cooking, swimming and irrigating vegetables. This water is beneficial because its cost is low compared to the water used for drinking. Reclaimed water reduces the use of fertilizer because Phosphorous and Nitrogen remain (Neary, 2009) . To ensure that household reclaimed water is safely used, people should become extremely aware of the hazards that may result from reclaimed water.Upon known knowing the hazard, the people should adopt strategies that are in order to manage the prevailing hazards. Conclusion I would recommend tertiary water treatment because it removes pollutants such as hexavalant chromium that is harmful to the human health and the natural environment. Tertiary water treatment is the final treatment of water and hence it is the safest method. REFERENCE Neary, J. (2009). Water Quality for Ecosystem and Human Health. Culver City, CA: Earthprint

Friday, August 16, 2019

To Kill a Mockingbird Article

The Tale of the Boo Jem Scout Maycomb County – In the small neighborhood on my block lives a house that may or may not contain a malevolent phantom. This is the Radley’s place. Dill, Scout, and I know the tale of this evil Boo Radley, and during the summer we share the tale of him to tell people of the tales. It started with one summer, when Dill dared me to go touch the Radley’s house. Usually , we play out scenes of the stories of Arthur. As Dill says, â€Å"I played old Mr.Arthur and walked up and down the sidewalked. Coughed when Jem, who played as Boo, talked to me. He went under the front steps and shrieked and howled from time to time. † {Reference to page 51-52} Atticus claims that we are tormenting Boo Radley, and says, â€Å"You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view – until you climb into his skin and walk around in it. † {Chapter 3: TKAM} This time though, Dill took my book, The Gray, and I needed it back.He said he would give me my book back afterwards if I touched the Radley’s house. When I went to touch the house though, â€Å"the house was the same, droopy and sick, but as we stared down the street we saw an inside shutter move. Flick. A tiny, almost invisible movement, and the house was still. † {page 19, TKAM} Another time, there was a fire at Miss Maudie’s house. Scout and I had to stay by the Radley’s home, and we didn’t even notice who put the blanket on Scout. Atticus says, â€Å"Boo Radley.You were so busy looking at the fire, you didn't notice when he put the blanket around you. † {Page 96, TKAM} Miss Maudie says, â€Å"His name is Arthur and he’s alive. † {Page 57, TKAM} I don’t believe it, I think he’s been dead and was stuffed up the chimney. And even if he is alive, why would he be cooped up in the Radley’s house? Dill said this: â€Å"Why do you reckon Boo Radley's never r un off? † †¦ â€Å"Maybe he doesn't have anywhere to run off to†¦ † {Page†¦ 163? TKAM} Whether Boo Radley is alive or dead, he is here.